Ah, the refreshing whiff of a cool drop of dōTERRA® Peppermint. It’s an aroma most everyone is familiar with, since it’s one of the most well-known essential oils; but when’s the last time you got creative with it? Prepare to be inspired, possibly even shocked, by some unexpected recipes containing popular Peppermint!
The three following minty explorations will center on the theme of appetite. First out of the chute is a little blend we like to call Appetite Intervention. This blend is not intended for the diffuser, but rather for deep aromatic breathing. Peppermint oil has a special ability to help enhance our sense of fullness and keep crazy cravings in check, so we’re going to put it to use to aid in weight management! Combine 2 parts Peppermint with 1 part Bergamot, adding a light touch of Spearmint and Ylang Ylang to finish it off. This could look like dropping the oils directly into your palm before cupping it over the mouth for a series of deep inhalations. It could also look like filling a small bottle to keep with you when it’s time to dine, whether at a restaurant or at home. However you use it, the time to employ this intervention blend is prior to eating, whenever your appetite is triggered and you feel the need for it. You have nothing to lose, except for maybe a few pounds! In conjunction with eating well and exercising regularly, let the invigorating aroma of Peppermint carry you toward increased wellness from the inside out.
Inhaling Peppermint for appetite control probably isn’t as far outside the box as you expected. If you’re wondering exactly where the surprise factor lies, look no further than this interesting concoction intended to support the body in its fight against invaders. Are you ready to give it a try? If you’re brave enough, fire up the blender!
Victory Smoothie
1 cup orange juice
½ cup lemon juice
½ cup chopped pineapple
1 tablespoon raw honey
1 tablespoon coconut oil
¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper
1-2 drops Ginger
1-2 drops Peppermint
This is the kind of recipe normally attributed to wise grandmothers. You may never forget the distinctive taste of this smoothie, which could easily become your go-to for supporting wellness in your home. And if that flavor combination still wasn’t quite interesting enough for you, we have one more, straight from the kitchens of dōTERRA. This one is only for the bold. Whip up your own batch of protein-packed Peppermint Black Bean Brownies and be more surprised by a dessert than you ever thought possible!
When it comes to the powerful force we call our appetite, Peppermint offers options for suppressing it when necessary, nourishing it with eye-opening health boosts, and appeasing it with a downright shocking chocolate concoction. With these unexpected creations in mind, we would be remiss to think of Peppermint as plain or predictable; it’s full of surprises.